What works for Paediatric Feeding Disorders/ARFID & feeding tube weaning? Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT) Review of Taylor & Taylor (2021) The Distance between Empirically-Supported Treatment and Actual Practice

Click the image above for full text of the article. Click here for full text of the publication. Our article on evidence-based therapy for paediatric feeding disorders/ARFID/tube weaning was featured by the Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT): “We...

ありがとう ございますArigato gozaimasu to Dr. Tanaka for inviting me as a guest lecturer on paediatric feeding 小児の摂食 for the ABA Sapporo & Asia Pacific ABA Network course sequence in Japan 

ありがとう ございますArigato gozaimasu to Dr. Tanaka Sakurako Tanaka PhD BCBA-D for inviting me as a guest lecturer on paediatric feeding 小児の摂食 for the ABA Sapporo and Asia Pacific ABA Network course sequence in Japan and having the impressive talent to translate my accent!...

Coming soon THE BLEND mag Issue 3!

From Melanie Dimmitt:  COMING SOON  Issue Three of THE BLEND mag is mere weeks away, all set to launch with Feeding Tube Awareness Week 2024 on Feb 4  Our cover star this year is five-year-old Molly, whose mum, Samantha, shares their family’s story of finding hope and...

Paediatric Feeding Presentation for Children’s Developmental and Intervention Center (CDIC) of Lipa (Philippines) with Dr. Tanaka: “From Tube Feeding to Eating: Empirically-Supported Treatment for Paediatric Feeding Disorders.”

Taylor, T. (2023, March). From Tube Feeding to Eating: Empirically-Supported Treatment for Paediatric Feeding Disorders. Invited presentation presented at the Children’s Developmental and Intervention Center of Lipa, Philippines. Want to learn more or request...