Paediatric Feeding International

Feeding therapy clinic/programme providing international consultancy and home services that work for paediatric feeding difficulties (including tube weaning & ARFID).

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Paediatric Feeding International provides in-home intensive services and remote consultation for difficulties with feeding/ARFID and tube weaning using the only well-established empirically-supported treatments for paediatric feeding disorders. We are dedicated to delivering quality services and supporting families through their journey. With our guidance and expertise, families can feel assured that their child receives the best care. A process previously exclusive to a few specific locations in the United States, Dr. Tessa Taylor now travels in order to bring the most advanced techniques across the world.


               * Backed by 50 years of evidence                * Wide variety of healthy foods

               * Works quickly (in days, weeks)                  * Teaches independent skills (utensils, cup drinking, chewing, medication)

               * Intensive, In-home                                       * Direct, high level of parent support and help

               * Tailored for your child and family             * Meals away from home and with other caregivers

               * Gradual tube reduction                              * Funding available (NDIS, Medicare)

Proven Success in Treating a Range Feeding Difficulties

Feeding is literally vital–next to breathing it’s the first and most important thing we have to do in life, connected to almost every other aspect of a child’s life and development. No human behaviour has greater biological and social significance. It occurs multiple times every day and is one of parents’ greatest responsibilities.

The prevalence of feeding disorders is between 1:23 and 1:37 children under 5 annually in the USA, higher than autism (1:54) and cerebral palsy (1:323) Kovacic et al., (2020). Prevalence estimates vary up to as high as 90% in developmental disabilities. It’s one of the top parent concerns brought to physician’s appointments, often leading to other diagnoses and services.



  • Gastrostomy (G-Tube) or nasogastric (NG-Tube) tube dependence (tube weaning)
  • Liquid dependence (formula, bottle)
  • Underweight/poor growth
  • Inappropriate mealtime behaviour (crying, negative statements, turning head, covering mouth, hitting the spoon/cup, throwing food/utensils, spitting out the food, holding food in mouth without swallowing, aggression, self-injury, leaving the table, not coming to the table) and long mealtimes
  • Gagging, coughing, vomiting
  • Food selectivity (“picky”/”fussy” eaters): Not eating foods from all food groups (protein, starch, vegetable, fruit) separately, eating only snack/junk foods, only eating foods at certain temperatures, prepared/presented a certain way, of specific brands/certain colours, or in certain receptacles/utensils
  • Not drinking from an open cup or feeding self age-appropriately
  • Not drinking liquids such as water or milk
  • Eating only mashed or blended foods/textures, difficulty chewing/swallowing
  • Only eating in certain settings (e.g., home), at certain times, or with certain people (e.g., Mum)
  • Medication refusal
  • Difficulties related to avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)/paediatric feeding disorder (PFD)
  • Refusing to sit at the table to eat; Needing distractions (e.g., electronics) to eat
  • Needing a separate meal from family
  • Feeling stress, dreading mealtimes

Professionally Certified. Internationally Recognised.

, Dr. Tessa Taylor (clin psyc) has 25 years of experience and is a Doctoral-level Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA-D). She obtained her Master’s degree in 2001 and her PhD in clinical psychology in 2010 from Louisiana State University, USA. She is a registered clinical psychologist in Australia and former licensed clinical psychologist in the USA. Dr. Taylor completed her predoctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine/Kennedy Krieger Institute.

Dr. Taylor has authored nearly 70 peer-reviewed research publications and 3 book chapters, and has nearly 70 professional presentations internationally (USA, Australia, Japan, France, Greece, Italy, Maldives, Ireland, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Bali Indonesia, Puerto Rico). She is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the University of Canterbury, Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Treatment Built Upon Expertise

After completing fellowship, Dr. Taylor (clin psyc) remained on as faculty in the KKI Pediatric Feeding Disorders Program. This programme is the original, largest, and one of the few interdisciplinary behaviour-analytic programs of its kind; serving the most severe and complex children from all over the world.

Dr. Taylor’s highly unique training and expertise in paediatric feeding disorders and severe problem behaviour grants her the ability to support the full spectrum of complexity and severity of feeding difficulties.

Delivering Results for 50 Years

This approach is individualised, data-driven, intensive, and direct, employing the most well-established, empirically-supported treatments for paediatric feeding disorders with 50 years of quality scientific research supporting it.

A process previously exclusive to a few specific locations in the United States, Dr. Taylor (clin psyc) now travels in order to bring the most advanced techniques across the world.

This highly efficient and individualised feeding therapy quickly increases nutritional variety from all food groups, teaches skills needed for age-appropriate independence (cup drinking, utensils) and texture, and is applicable regardless of diagnosis or ability/skill level without the need for starvation.

Paediatric Feeding International

Dr. Tessa Taylor (clin psyc)
Board Certified Behavior Analyst - Doctoral (BCBA-D) #1-13-13170
Clinical Psychologist (PhD) PSY0002046061, MAPS, FCCLP
Medicare Provider 5296482J
Double Bay, Eastern Suburbs, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Australian Business Number (ABN) 43511656633
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